Where is Where
The various Clan Hearths
are holy sites where mighty ancestor spirits dwell and important
historical things have happened. According to Shamanic Lore there
were many more, but their sites fell out of use or were destroyed in
past conflicts. Three locations are known – the Citadels – but
the rites to contact the Hearth Spirits there are unknown. Following
a Hearth Spirit gives you access to various lesser servant spirits,
common magics and heroic abilities.
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Halberd Games Map of Balazar, from the Glorantha Wiki EMBIGGEN |
A long mound shaped like a
winding snake or wyrm from the mouth of which springs the stream that
is the source of the Redwyrm river. The soil around it is red ochre
on the days of the full moon, black ochre on other days and magic
warpaint can be made from it. The kings of Elkoi used to muster their
clans here before raiding the lowlands, but now the Redwrym warriors
serve the lowland Lunars as scouts.
Flint Hill
A great hill that has
always been a source of good quality flint, and the gravel beds here
about are a source for many other kinds of stone, many of them
magical, such as Sunstone, amber, God's Blood Crystal, Magnetite etc.
A cottage industry chipping obsidian knives for export operates here
and the Lunars are setting up some kind of shaft mine with slave
labour, much to the annoyance of the traditional flint miners and
Elder's Rock
A monolith on a bluff
overlooking the Elf Sea marking the spot where Votank himself died
resurrecting his dead half-brother, the Sun, and where the Sun went
up into the sky. Also the place where Balazar was crowned King after
his conquest of what was then Votankiland and his defeat of the
Trolls. The spirits here supposedly impart wisdom, judgement and good
advice, but of late the spirits seem to argue amongst themselves as
much as the Shamen do, what with the differences in doctrine between
the old Votank and Grandmother Sky Shamen and the new Five Moons and
other shamen from around the Empire who have taken up residence.
Morak's Mound
Traditionally Balazarings
leave their dead on platforms in trees in a form of sky burial, but
the fallen bones are later collected by Shamen and put in barrows and
burial mounds. Morak's Mound is the biggest, a huge artificial hill
with many passages and chambers that act as ossuaries for the bones
of many clans, some now extinct, and individual tombs for many mighty
heroes long forgotten. The Shamen here can summon more ancient
ancestors and know more songs and sagas than anyone else, and are
very good at taming the unquiet dead.
Pure Hearth
This fire was lit by
Grandmother Sky herself and has been kept burning since before the
beginning of time. It was used to kindle the newly reborn sun on the
First Day. The Pure Hearth followers do not like Balazar or
Tharkantus, nor the cities he built, believing that Votankiland was
better of with its traditional gods and ways. They are good healers
Crow Stone
A great rock like a huge
flint knife sticking out of a plain littered with bones and broken
weapons, the Crow Stone is the site of many ritual battles and the
Crow Warriors are creators of much human carrion for the Crow
spirits. A place to swear vengeance, fight duels and end feuds with
payment of blood, though the current Crow Shaman is trying for a more
peaceable approach to conflict resolution.
Another burial mound, but
better known as the former site of the Master Hunter's lodge before
Yalaring had it moved to Trilus. Many hunting spirits here, and many
masters of hunting lore. If you need to know how to take down a
Hadrasaur, or the best way to butcher a Walktapus, this is the place
to go. Hunters who follow Tak can even pursue prey into the spirit
world and track them by the imprint of their breath upon the forest
leaves. There is still a yearly Great Hunt here during the Sacred
Time, but the Trilus one is more popular as it is the only chance to
be made Master Hunter.
Once an Aldryami totem,
now tamed and used by men. The only place men can find readily
useable tree spirits and, it is said, meet the lesser Aldryami such
as runners and pixies on friendly terms. The Shamen here perform
strange rites and consort with Dryads and Hunting Nymphs, and are a
distant and peculiar bunch. More conventional types warn against the
danger of being turned into an Elf, and say the Old Tree must be
chopped down lest they re-establish their rule over the land.
Gravel Stand
Another site yielding
flints and magic stones, and also the site of a hill fort and temple
where in the White Goat and Griffin clans kept the memory of Dykene
alive during the years the citadel lay ruined. The streams near here
yield gold dust and nuggets, the source of Dykene's wealth, and the
Dwarves have set up a smelter and mint for Balazar's first native
coinage in 500 years.
Two Stone
A haunted and disturbing
site where a permanent cloud lowers over a stone monument. Supposed
to have been three stones, set up by the three sons of Balazar to
signify their unity, Elkoi's has fallen, toppled by giants. The site
is guarded by a huge dog spirit, and the spirits here are his
offspring. Recently there has been much kerfuffle over the stones
with interest from Dragonewts and Dwarves.
Tuno's Cradle
Here Votank turned himself
into a bear and wrestled and defeated the giant Tuno, ousting the
mountain spirit that had possessed him and turning him back into a
man. Great place for bear spirits, wrestling matches (occasionally
with bears) and finding healing herbs and honey.
A small hill that
continually glows with an inner fire and occasionally spurts great
geysers of flame. Around it are pools of bubbling mud and hot
springs. If he can endure the painful ordeals a shaman can gain the
service of fire spirits and elementals. The fact that the greatest
geyser spouts once a week on nights of the full moon has made some
traditional shaman suspicious of the spirit here however. It is also
a site for dramatic suicides and has a number of ghosts.
Two posts in two days - yup, it's a Bank Holiday weekend.
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