Another bit rescued from the Inner Sphere blog:
The shrine of Niyunen,
the Giver of Unlooked for Wealth, (an aspect of Hrihayal) is between
the towns of Pala Jakalla and Hyatla in Jakasha Province. Starting on
the 5th of Langala through to the 8th Langala
the humid summer nights are filled with the rattle of dice as the
grand yearly Kevuk championships are held. The courtyard of the
temple is filled with booths and stalls selling food, drink and
drugs, a veritable city of tents houses the festival goers, there
are stages for musicians and dancers, and other gambling games carry on apace on the outskirts.
But the main event is
in the central hall of the shrine, the Kevuk game. It is an unusual
event in that the common street corner players who play for a few
qirgal and a round of drinks get to challenge the aristocratic rakes
who play for thousands of kaitars; wealth is not an issue here, and even social divisions are relaxed a little. It is all about luck and the fvaour of the Lady.
The selection of players for the final three days of gaming is
made by drawing numbered lots at the start of the festival; 1000 play
on the first day in groups of 10, the 100 winners play in groups of
10 on the second day, and the last 10 play on the last day, all games
starting at sunset and ending at sunrise or when all players bar one
are out of tokens. The winner gets to experience as many of the 32
Unspeakable Acts as they care to participate in free of charge
(including the inevitably fatal 32nd if they so desire),
free lodging at the temple for a year and, most prized of all, a jade
bracelet of unusual design that denotes that they have been the
favourite of Niyunen for that year.
Since it is first come
first served for the big game, the event actually begins as early as
late Didom, when hopefuls start to camp out in the temple grounds,
and the first dice games inevitably start just to pass the time until
the festival begins. Many a player has been reduced to penury by the
time the Priests and Priestesses throw their gates open to the
players of the sacred game.
Saving Utlen
Utlen hiTelsu, a youth
of the impeccably aristocratic High Pinnacle clan, has not been seen
for weeks. Before his disappearance he was on a determined path of
drinking gambling and wenching and in the opinion of his elders
possibly over doing it a bit. They have checked the debtors prisons
and Ketengku temples and cannot find him there, they are hoping he
will turn up at the Kevuk championship.
- He turns up as a player not of Kevuk, but Six-Glass, a very decadent game of chance involving six drinking glasses and a bottle of Dreaming Diamond Tsuhoridu. The normal game is played with five glasses of water and one of Dreaming Diamond, which most people can take maybe three or four shots of before passing out into a hallucination filled dream, the loser being the one who passes out first after several rounds of random drink selection. He gets to pay for the Tsuhoridu. The ‘fun’ version Utlen is playing involves five big glasses of Double Diamond (aka The White Mist of Inchoate Dreams) and one of poison. All persons go out after the first drink, but only five wake up half an hour later. They are usually so mashed they immediately set the glasses up for another game. Winner/survivors are considered a) mad but also b) blessed by Hrihayal and therefore gain +2 on any seduction rolls among those who think this sort of thing is cool.
- He is in the big game, and he had better win. He has made a side bet with a ‘friend’ of his of some 10,000 kaitars that he will make it to the last round. If he doesn’t he will become that friends property as a slave. The friend, depending on how evil the GM is feeling, may be another foolish rake doing it for a laugh, a priestess of Dlamelish who will just use him as a sex toy for a while, or a priest of Ksarul who needs a good looking youth for a demonic sacrifice he has planned. In any case other friends of his will be breaking the rules by intimidating and/or killing rival players, and his opposition will be trying to get people to swap numbers so he inevitably faces the best players in the field.
- He turns up not as a player but a prize. He has been introduced to Zu’ur and is one of a batch of addicted slaves who are being offered as prizes in a high-stakes Tlatlen game.
- He turns up as a slave merchant. He is up to his eyeballs in debt and he has hit on a pretty creepy but workable method of making some money back by offering to buy the children of big losers as slaves at a real knock-down rate. He has accomplices targeting those attendees known to have families and inveigling them into crooked kevuk games.
- He doesn’t turn up. However it does get about that some bunch of guys are looking for a kid called Utlen and they are inundated with random people called Utlen, drunks and junkies claiming to have seen him and willing to tell them about it for a few kaitars, panderers who know a lovely young lad called Utlen they should meet, variously unconvincing fake Utlens who think they can pass themselves off as him long enough to get access to some of High Pinnacles’ cash etc. etc.
- He turns up, but his activities are obscure to say the least. He is disguised as a sailor and is hanging about with the most debauched sorts imaginable but appears to be staying away from most of the considerable temptations on offer. He has in fact been secretly recruited by the OAL to ‘go undercover’ and ferret out Zu’ur smugglers. A bunch of fools turning up and telling everyone that he is a young nobleman will seriously screw things up and put his life in danger.
Tugo the Lucky
Tugo is a latrine
digger (or corpse washer, street sweeper or other yucky very low clan
occupation). He also happens to be pretty good at kevuk, and has a
knack for spotting when a bird is going to poop on people. He is
cutting a swathe through the festival, filling his pockets with small
change at the lesser kevuk pits, coin tossing, hoopla and wheel of
fortune stalls.
- The story of the lucky pleb have got about. A certain priest of Gruganu has a theory; in all the games he is good at some physical object is involved – a wheel, dice, a hoop and so on. He reckons this fellow is a raw psychic with a powerful telekinetic ability and wants him recruited to the temple. PCs must observe him and see if they can confirm or deny this suspicion; teaching him tsahlten and seeing how he does might work. If a mage is available he might be able to detect the psychic energies in his vicinity during a game. He might not want to come with you – threatening or trying to kidnap him might result in some difficulty as he will instinctively use telekinetic force to avoid capture.
- As 1. but Tugo is well aware of what he is doing; this is no wild talent, he is a sorcerer in disguise. His temple is one of the dull and straight-laced stability ones that frowns on using magic to affect the outcome of dice games, but he decided to slip out and have a laugh. Apprehending him might prove tricky, as he is well trained with some very hairy abilities.
- AS 2, but Tugo is not just any old sorcerer, he is an Undying Wizard, come to this probability and time to find some really awful demon and deal with it. The messing about at the gaming tables is just a ruse to attract the attention of a certain Gruganu priest who lies at the centre of the nefarious and world-threatening goings on.
- Tugo is a demon in disguise. He is looking to gain attention from some of the big cheeses at the fair and challenge them to a game of kevuk for a sum unspecified (it will turn out to be their souls…). If they accept a game with a latrine cleaner they are demeaning themselves, but if they refuse, they will never know if they really are the best Kevuk player. With the right style and quantity of charm and ego prodding he might manage it.
- Tugo is a very lucky hick on an extraordinary roll of good fortune. This is likely to come to an end, as the PCs over hear a couple of jealous lowlife types planning to relieve the jolly menial of his winnings. He’s a latrine digger, who will investigate or pursue shamtla? Do the players let this happen, mug him themselves, or protect him? What is the decent thing in these circumstances as far as their temple is concerned?
- Tugo is blessed by Hrihayal; his astrological chart has some perfect trines and other aspects, he was born to play dice. Someone who investigates his background appropriately might persuade him of this fact, or if not him, then perhaps the temple staff. There would be a big reward from the temple for discovering a person in whom Niyunen is so manifest.

The Law of Chance
An event like the
festival needs careful and discreet policing. It can’t be left to
run itself, gambling, drugs, drink and sex all in one place in large
amounts will almost inevitably lead to something else in even bigger
amounts – violence and theft. Various agencies take an interest in
the festival and its legal side.
- The Order of the Absolute Light of Justice are a lesser sect of the temple of Hnalla (with a few Karakan, Thumis and Chegarra adherents thrown in) who are dedicated to maintaining the utmost standards of probity and decorum in public life. A bunch of puritanical busybodies in other words, and it is their contention that gambling of any kind is an affront to the orderly running of the Empire and probably the universe as well, as all events are preordained by mighty Lord Hnalla and betting on them is blasphemous. Under the rules of the Concordat they cannot ban the Kevuk Festival, but they can turn up and poke their noses into everyone’s business and make sure every petty infraction of the word of the law is scrupulously investigated and the offenders punished. PCs are either a member of the sect trying to uncover as many ‘crimes’ as possible and/or convert the benighted gamblers to the way of Absolute Light, or one of the long suffering policemen who follow them about trying to keep the fools out of trouble.
- The Temple Guard of Hrihayal are pretty easygoing lot; fat, lazy and corrupt might be a little uncharitable, but not entirely inaccurate. However the Kevuk Festival does require them to be a bit more on the ball than usual – the provincial governor keeps getting it in the ear from those Hnalla twerps about the amount of petty crime it attracts and they might be forced to scale the thing back or stop it entirely. The PCs are draftees from the Jakalla temple, unsure of the how things are done at the festival and have to try and keep order in a Hrihayal-ish fashion. A challenge to roleplaying if ever there was one.
- As 2. but life is made a tad more complicated by the presence of a gang of lads from the Chiteng Temple. They are supposed to be providing muscle to back up the Hrihayal guards should armed force be necessary, but seem to be more intent on getting drunk as lords, spending their pay at the gaming booths before they even get it and getting laid. Being Chitengi, they doing all of the above with maximum aggression, seeing how many people they can intimidate and/or beat up and/or impale for public order offences along the way.
- as 3, but not to worry, a cohort of the Legion of Gusha the Khirgari are on leave after a long and boring garrison duty in the Pass of Skulls, and have turned up on a regimental day out to the festival without their officers a day after they received three months back pay.
- Zu’ur is on sale at the festival. The OAL want to know who is selling it, and where they got it from. Keep your knives hidden but keep them sharp, Zu’ur smuggling gangs are nearly as well organised and vicious as the OAL itself. Fortunately the forested garden of the Temple of Niyunen offers many places to set ambushes and hide corpses.
Luck and Death
There is of course a
distinct possibility that PCs may just want to turn up at such an
event and have a game of dice and bit of a laugh. The following
options are mere random events and situations they may encounter at
the festival.
- Lucky Kuruku Feet are on sale, a must for any gambling man looking for an edge. Trouble is they are not quite dead, and may randomly reanimate in the dead of night, grab something small but valuable and finger walk their way back through the gardens to the villain who is selling them.
- Scandal at the Tsahlten tent erupts when players accuse one of the judges of bias. Tsahlten is a high class game for the well heeled, and the poor judge, a mere low clanner from the Bright Sword, cannot act against the high clan complainers. To make matters worse his honour is being further impugned by another judge from the Clan of the Balanced Stone who says he definitely was cheating. A matter of honour is rapidly escalating out of control, duels may be fought.
- A popular side show among the lower clan types is the contest to see which woman attending the festival has the biggest breasts and which man the biggest penis (don’t titter, this is deeply seriously religious stuff to a goddess like Hrihayal!). The appropriate organ is weighed and a prize of the equivalent in silver is awarded to the winner, or their owner should they happen to be a slave. The PCs may want to enter, trawling the slave markets of Jakalla for a suitable contestant, or may have been asked to find a sponsor for the contest if they are followers of Hrihayal or Dlamelish. A prize slave dancing girl, Orella, a lass with a chest like two chlen-calves fighting over a turnip, has gone on the run – if she makes it to the festival she would probably win the prize and if not buy her freedom, at least make enough cash to get home to Salarvya.
- An utterly bizarre funeral is taking place at the festival this year. Lady Gashon hiYtlenu has finally expired from the side effects of her deep devotion to Hrihayal, and as a final act of piety is donating her preserved corpse to the temple for use in certain necrophiliac rites. The funeral procession is a sight many will not forget in a long while, and as for those privileged to see the ‘interment’…
- Shen shouldn’t gamble really, they become addicted too easily and they are poor losers. In fact that big one over there is such a poor loser he is running amok with a sword-axe and, oh look, he is heading your way...
- A fantastic new game is sweeping the festival – cat racing! The Clan of the Hidden Hand have created tiny carts and puppet cart-drivers and hitched them to tiuni. The spectacle is chaotic but hilarious and it costs a lot just to get into the pavillion and have a look, let alone put a bet on. Aficionados of the dying art of dog-racing, a sport much like greyhound racing on Earth using saluki-like tlekku, are appalled and want the farce banned forthwith.